Matthew Terrell

Angel of Independence

Matthew Terrell
Angel of Independence

The most important aspect about visting the Angel of Independence is that there are no crosswalks to get there!

The Angel of Independence is the symbol of Mexico City. It is a statue of a gold angel holding a wreath up toward the sky, and is located in a major traffic circle on Paseo de Reforma. Just about any video montage of Mexico City will feature the Angel. If the city wins a large sporting event, locals head to the Angel for a celebration. The Angel is worth visiting because it's a beautiful sculpture and a great photo opportunity.

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It's an intersection of six different major streets, and it's about five lanes thick. So, getting to the Angel is very, very challenging. What you need to do is watch a local and when you see a local dart across the street, you run and go for it.

It could be possible to have an Uber drop you off or pick you up there in the middle of the Angel, however, that would might be pretty hard to negotiate with the way traffic works, so I recommend walking. Just be very, very careful when you go to check out the Angel.