Matthew Terrell

Microdyne + Washing Fruits and Vegetables

Matthew Terrell
Microdyne + Washing Fruits and Vegetables

Microdyn is what you use to clean fruits and vegetables before you eat them at home.

If you're going to cook your own food and buy produce in Mexico, make sure you have Microdyn. This iodine-based vegetable wash will clear up any bacteria or other bugs on your food.


Microdyn can be found at most major grocery stores, like Superama, in the produce section. Combine a few drops of Microdyne with water, preferably filtered water or bottled water. Then, what you do is you take your vegetables from the grocery store and then you soak them for a prescribed amount of time, usually three to five minutes depending on what you're washing. Foods that can harbor dirt and bacteria, like romaine lettuce, you should soak for a lot longer—10 minutes—and make sure it gets inside any folds or crevices.

These foods are common sources of bad bacteria, because they grow close to the ground:

-Any leafy green such as lettuce, cilantro, or spinach.


