Matthew Terrell

Arrivals and Departures

Matthew Terrell
Arrivals and Departures

If possible, pick a flight that arrives in the daytime.

It will be much easier and less intimidating to get oriented when there is light out. Arriving at night time, which we did, was overwhelming, loud, and a bit scary. We just barely were able to get food that evening, because we arrived so late, and we were the last diners at Restaurante Azul in Condesa.


On your flight, you’ll be given a customs form to fill out for your arrival. When you go through Customs and they stamp your passport, the Customs official is going to tear off a the bottom portion, stamp it, and then give it back to you. Keep that piece of paper. They're going to ask you for that when you leave Mexico City. If you don't have it, they'll charge you 500 pesos, which is around $25. So make sure you keep track of that slip! I kept it in my passport, which was hidden in my room during my trip.
