Matthew Terrell


Matthew Terrell

Xochimilco is a neighborhood an hour south of Mexico City where the Aztecs built some of their original farms.

This is where you can see the original lakebed that was where all of Mexico City was built over. This lakebed was drained into these areas which feature canals, with raised areas of fertile land.

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It's really popular to go to these canals and rent a boat called a trajinera. it is a long, flat bottom boat like an oversized gondola! You rent one of these boats with your friends and party! Many people bring beer and food, or buy refreshments from other boaters. It's a fun time. You'll see people that are out with their family doing this boat cruise especially on the weekends.

However, those tours are known to leave a lot of pollution and trash in the river, so they're a bit controversial. So, for that reason, I don't recommend simply partying at Xochimilco. I recommend a separate tour called de la Chinampa a Tu Mesa. This local nonprofit supports local farmers, and provides food for high end restaurants in Mexico City. You go on one of their boats and venture out to one of their island farms. Ricardo, who runs de la Chinampa a Tu Mesa wants to save the at-risk ancient farms in Xochimilco. He supports farmers who grow and sell vegetables to some of the highest end restaurants in town, like Pujol, and Contramar, and MeroToro.

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He also provides lunch with food that is grown on the farms you will visit. The cheese they serve is made from milk that is from cows that graze out in the Chinampas -- the Chinampas are the islands in the canals-- that was the most delicious cheese that I've ever had in my life.

Going to Xochimilco is an entire day trip, because it's an hour away, and you'll want to spend two to three hours in the canal.